Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Book station, card catalog, class cubbies, spiderman

Room to grow
I  love to get presents in the mail, and today, at school, my Pacon Prizes arrived.  It was a strange prize.  $100 in product sounds full of potential, and I'm not complaining, but the restriction was you had to order full cartons- Meaning not just 4-6 packs of paper, the whole box- so, the only thing my $100 would have bought in art supplies was a carton of popsicle sticks, which didn't seem, well, "prizey".  So, I opted for the organizational stuff, which did not come in cartons, and I ended up with 2 paper stations and a paperback book stations.  The white one will be for papers needed for lessons, the blue has one cubby for each class, and the green speaks for itself.  My thought is that even though the cubbies are small, they'll keep me on top of my grading for sure! Thanks Pacon. Oh, The yellow/blue drawers are not from Pacon, they are an old card catalog that I rescued.  We keep rulers, compasses, mirrors in them.  And Spidey's head is full of donated erasers. 

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