Saturday, March 31, 2012

Daily Message

i don't know what the trends are at your schools, but here in Nashville, the new trend for classroom teachers appears to be the "Morning Meeting".  This is a daily routine where the students may respond to a message on the board, play a game, or do some other activity that gets all involved, and encourages students to engage for the activities of the day.  I see 100+ kids a day, and cannot possibly have a morning meeting.  But, as I sat in on the "in-service" that it seems we specialists always do, even if it is not geared towards us, I began to think of the possibilities that surrounded a "daily message" where anyone who wanted to respond or participate could.  I have started leaving messages, like the one pictured, where I may clue students in to a new artist, a new activity, or a school event.  I keep it general enough that any student could respond, because I cannot fathom putting up a new message for each group.  Often, I ask for responses in the form of tally marks, or voting, and I am experimenting with ways that I may bring in reasoning skills, math, or language skills.  The more I think about it- the more ideas I get, and the kids are loving it.  It actually helps me that they want to do this first thing, as I am usually putting something away, or getting something out.  It's a nice way for everyone to transition in to the art room. 


  1. I'm one of those people that comes flying into the school parking lot on two wheels as the 8:30 bell is ringing
    in the morning! I really like your idea about putting up something new everyday for the kids to ponder while I am getting set up for the day. Just so you don't think I'm a total slacker, I'm the art teacher who doesn't LEAVE school until 6:00 every night.....I will never be a morning person!

  2. My school is moving towards this trend, What an awesome way to use it. Thank you for sharing:)

  3. Pat- I am one of those "lazy" teachers that leaves around 3:30. What gets left out is that I'm there at 6:30- it takes all kinds. No judgement here :)
