Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New (Free) Art Supplies!

My goal this year was to begin using Artsonia, not just as a display for my awesome students' work, but as a communication tool for my parents and I.  I have been uploading artwork for all students, good or bad, so that the parents have a digital portfolio of their student's progress in art.  It also helped on parent conference day to be able to refer to a student's work.  Because, if you are like me, by the time report cards go home, I have looked at a dizzying thousand or two pieces of artwork, and sent it home for the students to enjoy.  Artsonia ran a Fall Art Drive, where your goal was to submit 300 works of art by a specified date.  You could be entered more than once, if you uploaded more.  And, I was a really lucky art teacher to have won a $300 gift card to Dick Blick Art Supplies.    I was able to purchase  a few of those "extras" that I normally would put at the bottom of my list, because other things were more important.  I also took the advice of my Kindergarten students and bought new glue bottles for the new art room.  But, before they use them, I'm gonna break out the vaseline in hopes of reducing clogs.  I would like to give a shout-out to Dick Blick for their generous support of Artsonia's effort to involve families in their student's artwork.  And, if you haven't visited Artsonia, may I suggest that you do?  Even if not to upload work, there are lesson plans, and lots of great ideas.  To visit my Artsonia. click the link on the left.


  1. congratulations on the win! I also started artsonia this year. It has been a lot of time dedicated to uploading, editing, and tagging but it is great to have a catolog of your student's work and as a parent I have a new appreciation for it. Some of the teachers in my school have even started using images for creative writing activities.

  2. once I got my system down, it's gone much smoother. And, the parents really like it. I've had a lot of positive feedback.
