Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monets in Training

Years ago, I wrote a grant, and got table easels and canvases for the kiddos.  We went outside and painted, and it was a lot of fun.  Since then, I've made the canvas painting an annual tradition for 4th graders.  They puzzle over the easels as they move from Kindergarten up to 4th grade, waiting for their time to use them.  The project varies from year to year, but the canvas/easel painting has become a rite of passage for my 4th graders.  This year, we looked at the work of Monet, and discussed how he layered his colors, and how he did not draw first.  We started our canvases by using cool colors and white, to fill in a background with brushstrokes, mixed colors, and floral shapes.  The next step will be to use warm colors to add in butterflies and dragonflies- but shhhh- don't tell the kiddos- they don't know yet.  And, hopefully, if we hold it all together and keep up the good work we've started, we'll use black paint to add some structure lines.


  1. Very cute project!

    I nominated your blog for the liebster award! I hope you like it!

  2. I love how just let your kids be free to explore, but how you will also add something (butter/dragonflies) to bring it all together. Awesome lesson!

  3. I also introduced canvas to my students--they were beyond thrilled to be using "real artist supplies." We also were able to use a bunch of acrylics in tubes that a parent generously donated. The children were very happy and proud of their pieces. There is a video through Chrystal Art Catalog called "Autumn Deforest" about a young girl whose art really changed dramatically once her parents let her use "real" artist supplies. I want to get that and show it to the students before using canvases next time. Thank you for sharing!
