Monday, April 16, 2012

T.O.Y. (Teacher of the Year)

I was expecting the silver elastic, like when I went to Prom- this was a nice beaded bracelet thing.

The plaque, the program, and a fancy leather "trapper keeper" with our district info on it.
I was honored to be named as my school's teacher of the year.  And, tonight was the banquet for our district, meaning I had the pleasure of going to a dinner, where the teachers of the year from each school in our district were treated to a dinner, and given our plaques.  The PTO bought me my corsage (which was lovely and artsy) and I had a rare chance to get dressed up.  It is very rare in my school for a "specialty" teacher to get this award, many do not see what we do as being on the same level with classroom teachers, so I was doubly pleased.  I tried to follow the advice given me by a kindergarten student who said I had to behave myself, and use my manners when attending a party. 


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award! I know exactly what you mean about "special teachers" rarely receiving recognition. I told my principal today that one of my students had won 3rd place and $750.00 in a poster contest for the local recycling center and she basically said, "Oh that's nice." Sigh............

Mrs. Hahn said...

Wonderful! Way to make the title 'art teacher' shine!!! Congrates! We are all celebrating with you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful honor and well deserved!