Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Egg Dye Yarn??

So, my school is right nearby to a few grocery stores, and we often get random post-holiday donations.  Candy Hearts, Christmas decorations, and most recently, piles of peeps, and egg dye.  Now, the art teacher in me fought with myself.  I know that many of those egg kits come with some cool stuff, but I am working hard not to take on things that I cannot store well in the new art room.  So, I googled egg dye and found the directions to dye yarn in a crock pot with it.  Needless to say, I went down and loaded up.  Today, my 1st graders finished up with a little time to spare, so I had them rip into all of the boxes and rescue the dye packs for me.  WOW- can my kiddos tear their way through boxes.  I simply had them empty the contents into a tote tray for me, and toss the boxes.  At the end of art, I let them choose from the stickers, rub ons, and other stuff.  Cheap labor or what?  My goal is next year to dye the yarn with my 4th graders, and then do their weaving project.  That is, if I can remember where the egg dye is next year.  HAHA.

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