Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New Year, New Projects!

This is my textbook/manual shelf, but I hate wasted space, so I have this as my "word wall".  I will pull words from it, and add it to the white board as we are learning or working with those words. 

That gianto cabinet has big doors, begging to be used.  So, one the one side the ice cream sundaes demonstrate my grading scale, and on the other, there are scissors and glue in each pocket.

I am very proud of my K/1 meeting spot.  I added the easel this year, along with the button lamp behind the chair.

Hard to see in the picture, but there are buckets spaced over the tables.  Each bucket has objects of a different color.  Kind of like a giant "seek and find". 
I don't know about the rest of you out there in blogworld, but about this time of year, I am a few days away from the end of my mid-morning naps, my afternoon swims, and my ability to eat lunch AND take a restroom break whenever I want.  It is time to go back to school, and I get super excited to see my school friends, and set up my art room.  Because last school year was so difficult with the construction in out school, I was super-excited to set up this year.  I have spent a lot of time on Pinterest, and actually making the things I'd been pinning for the classroom.  I love to surround the kiddos with bright colors, along with having a welcoming and safe place to create.  Here's the direction I'm going this year.  Anyone else have fun setting up for the new year?


  1. Sorry to hear your break is almost over. I have until Labor Day. I have been working on charts, posters and assessment models this summer. Just started putting together a new style of sub plan book. Saw the idea some place( can't remember where, Pinterest maybe?) It's a binder with plastic sleeves for lesson ideas as well as photos of what items look like and where things are in the classroom. Have a great year! :)

  2. I've seen that- I went with the "sub tub" this year. It is a file crate, with the hangy folders, and each is sectioned off like a binder. As an art teacher though, I like that the tub has room to leave drawing paper, and visuals. I may add in a picture file too.

  3. Your room is looking fabulous!! Your kids are lucky to have you, you've gone above and beyond this summer to prepare:) So happy you have a brand new room, can't wait to see all the great art projects this school year:)
