Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Water Bottle Babies?!?

So if you follow Mr. E, you know that our district is asking that we all look at the work of Red Grooms for our upcoming "Art-Tober" celebration here in Nashville.   After thinking long and hard about how to wrap little kids' minds around the massive work of Red Grooms, I settled on a large city scene, where each grade level completes a part.  I'll be sure to post pics of the other parts, but today, the 3rd graders and I made "water bottle babies", since they are contributing the people to the city.  We looked at his "hot dog vendor" sculpture, and I have a short video where he is showing Mr. Roger's his life sized city bus, complete with riders. Using a water bottle as an armature, we rolled a wad of tape into the top to make a head.  Then we covered the entire thing with plaster.  I showed the kiddos how to sculpt with plaster strips to create arms, waistbands, hair, noses, etc.  And, we will paint these babies up when they dry.  For now, my back room appears to have been invaded by a small squad of short, squatty aliens with no feet- I think the paint will help! And, in the meantime, I have some company for plan time.
The Army

Love the giganto buttons!

The kids tell me this is a mohawk in progress...

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