Monday, February 27, 2012

Read Me week

Only this student could manage to look dignified. 

Love the personality in this one.

The puff paint is a fun trick. 
Unlike a lot of teachers, because of the numbers at my school, we are able to run a 3 day specials rotation, one hour per class.  So, I typically finish my 9 weeks of mandated curriculum far before the other art teachers in MNPS.  This week is "Read Me" week, and since we're wrapping up our other projects, I decided to cut loose and have a little fun with the kiddos.  With the kindergarten students, I reviewed basic self- portraiture, along with some cutting, gluing, and direction following skills by Cat in the Hatifying our art projects.  The kids were delighted, especially with the whiskers, and it was a great way to integrate reading.  I had each student write their name, along with the phrase "in the hat" and they were chuckling away.   The second graders did a very simple project based on "The Lorax"- a cut landscape type background, giving me the opportunity to review vocabulary such as background, overlapping, and distance.  We cut out a small, medium and large tree trunk, striped it with white chalk, and arranged them in the picture to show space.  The fun was trying out the puffy paint recipe that's been floating around pinterest (equal parts glue and shaving cream, along with some food coloring).  We used the puff paint for our "Truffula Puffs".

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