Monday, February 27, 2012

So curious

Bless this 4th grader's heart.  He is so meticulous, and while that is a good thing, on a clay day,  our projects tend to be one day doozies, that have to be done, since I may not see the student again for days.  But, this one was willing to risk it drying out, if I put it in a bag, and tried to remember to spray it- and, for the most part it worked out.  We lost a couple of the turrets. but most of it made it- he's been glazing for 2 days (2 hour long art session) and I am so curious to see how these bricks glaze.  Usually, my kiddos slap a coat of glaze on, and we call it good- but with the Mayco Stroke N Coat glazes, there is such a variety of color, that students like this have a great time with the paint job.  This year is the first year that any of the kids caught on that if they left the mortar unglazed, it would have a very realistic effect.  I loaded this up tonight, and will be so excited to see it tomorrow.

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