Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Projects

I'm thinking this will go on the board right by the door, where all the kiddos can see it.

My mom donated the dress form, which I spray painted, and then plastered; the hubs drank the milk for the milk jug head.  I plan to use this to display a focus artist- the crown is just for now :)

Milk Jug Monster

For the Door.
So, I am very lucky, in that I do not have to work an extra side job in the summer as many teachers do.  I am trying to  create some quality displays for the art room.  Some may think it's a bit "nerdy" but hey, it keeps my hand out of the cookie jar, and it makes going back to the classroom a bit easier knowing that I have a plan.  I found a lot of great ideas on Pinterest of course, but have adapted them for my needs in the art room.

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