Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ice Cream and Art Grading...

Our school system started an online grading system called Gradespeed over the last few years, and last year was the first year that EVERYONE was required to use it, and our parents struggled with the idea of an A-D grading scale. I have a grading policy typed and at the ready for my parents.  I try to be very clear with the students about their grade, however the grade for art can seem ambiguous, especially for parents who never had an art class.  I found a poster with the ice cream example on Pinterest, and I created my own version.  How do you explain art grading to your students?  Do you have it posted?  Illustrated?


  1. Great grading visual! I saw a similar one on Pinterest and am working on one for my 3-5 grades right now! I think the visual gives the students (and parents) a great example of what each grade looks like and gives them incentive to work towards that goal. I just blogged about assessment also on my blog. We also have an on-line grading system that we have been using for 2 years now. Ours is called Realtime. This year the district has decided to open a parent portal that will allow parents to see their child's grades in the teacher's gradebook whenever they want. This should be interesting! Good luck with your new school year!

  2. Our parents can view too- I put in my written policy that in order to keep up with district policy for grades being entered, that I would be entering grades however they should consider any grade entered to be a progress grade until it is the end of the 9 weeks. I go back in and adjust grades as projects get completed. Parents liked that.

  3. Hi. My name is Olivia an I was wondering if you could follow my blog. Thanks!!
